With the United World Karate Federation approaching 4 years since its relaunch, the United World Karate Federation was previously known as the United World Karate Assoiation and was formed in 1992 in Tokyo Japan by Sosai Chodoin, UWKF Honorary President, and Imtiaz Abdulla Uwkf Executive Chairman, the karate will has not been the same since this happened. Sosai today is not as active due to his advance age, which does not premit him from travelling so much of his time is spent in Japan, and his cuases of fighting for justice in many areas.
Now that we are established and have very dedicated and solaid members we will be using the next 4 year to consolidate our partnership and expand into a mast participation World Martial Arts Body with the arts of unarmed and armed being at the forefront. We will be researching the origin name of KARATE- which as you are all aware changed a few times since karate’s importation into Okinawa and to Japan then to the world. Chairman Abdulla had some very indepth discussion with some prominent karate historians and masters during his trip to the Far East and Japan in particular. One of this promimemnt historians and masters in the founder of Koshiki Karate ad the son of Kori Hisataka Kaiso, Masayuki Histaka Hanshi, the inheritor of Shorinjiryu Kenkokan and the founder of Super Safe Equipment and the Koshiki competition system. Hisataka Hansi has authored a few books and has done very deep research into karate. Besides his Okinawan family name Kudaka is associated with nobility and his family are from the Bushi in Okinawa. Hisataka Hanshi and the WKKF are also embarking on a very important and needed aspect of karate-EDUCATION. Yes, Education in the sense of qualification from many aspect, i,e. History, Budo Philosophy, Budo Antrpology, an many other subject which will be taught towards a Degress in the Budo Science. This has been accrediatd by Monarch University in Switzerland. As the Japnese saying goes the Sword.” Bunbu” Bunbu Ryodo” is the traditional Japanese approach to martial arts training. A somewhat literal translation would be: “The Dual Path of Cultural and Martial Arts,” to the necessity of harmonizing the physical training of martial arts with the cultivation of appreciation for, or skill in, aesthetic arts in cluding education.
So, with 2017 almost at the end of its days we will be looking forward to a very busy and fruitful year in 2018. UWKF will continue with its quest to unify and development all martial arts and create harmoney and copertion betwen all of our partners. See our newsletter for more on the activities of our members an our partners and all latest news. Or if you want us to send you a gope kindly send an email to uwkfhq@gmail.com.
We take this opportunity is wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and looking forward to working with all karate loving people in 2018.